Saturday, January 22, 2011

Future Wedding Date...

So I know everyone is wondering when the big wedding ceremony is going to happen. Well...Dizzle and I are trying to figure that out. His schedule is pretty tight right now, so we are hoping for late summer/early fall. After having to rearrange things once already, I'm not too worried. It is important for us to have this ceremony though because we want to be in front of family and friends when we say our vows again in front of God. We believe God was present for our small one too, but we really just want to have a church wedding, and have everyone after be there with us to celebrate :) I'm sorry that we've had to change it so many times, all still love us, right? Haha. Well I hope so anyways...or you're not invited. :P

(Found this online...Dizzle wishes...)

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