Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meet the Newest Member of the Family...Dwight

So I went out and got a crowntail betta fish today. His name is Dwight after a character in our favorite tv show (The Office). I know what you're thinking...who cares...it's a fish. Listen though, Dizzle and I are thinking about getting a big fish tank in the future, and this is a start. Seeing as we can't have a puppy in our place...a fish it is. He's pretty cool though, pretty active for a betta fish. I guess the woman at the store said he's still very young, and he'll be getting bigger. I got the starter kit that came with food, rocks, plant, tank and water conditioner.

I'm not sure where to put him yet, but he is definitely a bright and cheery addition to the apartment :)

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